I have come across many clients who ask me about fat removal and they often confuse this with weightloss. Due to the many marketing ads all around us that offer”slimming” procedures, I find that many women are confused as to wether they want to loose weight or reduce fat.
So I categorize clients like this:
A. those who are overweight or obese with a BMI (Body Mass Index) of 27 an above. You will need to loose overall weight for a healthier and trimmer looking body.
There will be excess fat here and there but it is no use thinking about them when over all you have excess fat including visceral fat.
B. those who are of normal body weight (BMI 25 and below) or just slightly overweight (BMI 25-27) and have certain areas of stubborn fat which do not seem to go away despite exercise or would like a trimmer, better silhuoette.
For FAT REDUCTION on the spot , there are several methods to loose them. These can be minimally invasive or non invasive at all.
The Non-Invasive methods for permanent FAT REDUCTION are ;
1. LIPOSONIX – this is high intensity focused Ultrasound or HIFU which targets the fat layer below the skin (Subcutaneous fat) upto 2inches deep. Requiring only 1 treatment session to get a permanent destruction of teh fat cells, it is non invasive and very good for the abdominal area especially if circumferential redcution is desired as the handpiece can be applied from flank to flank. It is also great for small areas like the fat around the upper knees, outer thigh fats, upper arm fats, bra bulge fat and hip spot fat. I have used this many times on small and slim ladies who have certain small pockets of stubborn fat that they want to get rid of.
2. VANQUISH BTL VMe – this is Selective Radio Frequency RF which selectively targets fat tissue below the skin. I like that this treatment is contactless and is totally painless. It is also good for those slightly larger especially around the tummy area. Recently BTL released clinical application finding for treating larger and more overweight people w BMI over 30 to debulk the fat around the abdomen area. This is wonderful. I combine this sometimes with our in-house weight loss program and amazingly , the inches go down much faster with the weight reduction.
The only downside is it requires multiple session of at least 6-8 times conducted weekly basis and the client need to be well hydrated to get good results.
The first cryolipolisis technology to come to the market. It destroys fat tissue via a process called APOPTOSIS and it does this by cooling the tissue extremely. The treatment takes 1 hr for 1 area to be treated. If treating multiple areas by overlapping I am able to delier results almost like a liposuction. There is no downtime and you can return to your routine activities immediately after.
A single session is required to reduce 16-32% of the fat in the area. A repeat if you desire more, can be conducted after 2 months.
4.SMARTLIPO is a technology that uses 1064 laser to destroy fat cells and convert it into oily substance called “lysate”. It is done when it comes into direct contact with the fatty tissue. It is not painful at all as a local anesthesia is given and immediately after, there is no pain . A short downtime is due to the leaking of some fluids from the incision point. Again the treatment is effective and precise and almost permanent as the melted fat will not return unless you put on extreme weight. I love this technique for the saddle bags or outer thighs and flanks area.
Along the way as this is a laser, some skin tightening can also be done to tighten overlying skin that is creppy or lax. It is also mgreat for facial fat especially around the jawline , lower cheeks or double chin.
5. LIPODISSOLVE therapy is a 50 year old technique to melt fat below the skin using fat melting agents that is injected into the area of concern. The French created this technique and calls it MESOTHERAPY.
I have been conducting treatments for fat reduction for over 15years now. What I have found is that it is really important to apply the right kind of technology to the area type, body size, and skin type of the patient. There is no one treatment type fits all , even on the same body.
Every treatment should be individualised for the person to achieve the body image that the person desires.
If you want to see how these techmologies can assist you in achieving that ideal body shape you desire, let me help you sot the nitty gritty out. I can be contacted at drsutina@gmail.com for any enquiries. Or visit my FB page drsutinanordin . Our webpage www.enhanzeclinic.com/luminous.com is also available with more details.
For WA 012-3453779 or you can tweet me @sutina4