The “New” filler SCULPTRA is now available in Malaysia. Making a comeback with new protocols, it is now available for filling up the facial area where a lot of volume loss has occured. It gives a very natural lift. Dr Rey and myself attended a training session on Thursday 22nd July with a Plastic Surgeon from HUKM who has been injecting Sculptra for the past 6months. “Wonderful results!” he says. As Sculptra contains Polylactic acid, it is biodegradable when injected and lasts upto 2years. Once injected it creates volume and causes collagen regenesis and thus a continued correction over time.
Because its texture is quite liquid, it can be injected in all areas of the face including the temples,undereye grooves(tear troughs), lips and nasogenian linegiving a “lifted” appearance thus the term “LIQUID FACE LIFT”.
Sculptra will be official launched by SanofiAventis on in Kuala Lumpur 7th August 2010.
Sculptra Malaysia
Sculptra lift
Sculptra Official Video :